POLICY UPDATE: Please take a moment to read our Updated Office Policy, which can be viewed in our News Blog. We are committed to providing you with high-quality care, and would be happy to discuss our policy with you at any time.

Moving Through Illness & Pain into Healing & Wholeness: Part 2

March 1, 2023

Moving Through Illness & Pain into Healing & Wholeness: Part 2

Suffering, fear & pain are real & it is hard to ignore them. However, when we are able to shift our focus from the “WHY” question & chose to trust the reality that God loves us & promises to be with us when they do happen, we can make room in our heart for hope.

The Journey Through the Wilderness onto a Clear Purpose Focused Path: Part 1

February 5, 2023

The Journey Through the Wilderness onto a Clear Purpose Focused Path: Part 1

The wilderness time can be a time to pause & reflect on the gift of life given & to absorb the time as a season of growth, renewal, & revival of our spirits as we live into a new day & with God’s help & direction, participate in bringing hope & healing to life.

The Journey Through the Wilderness onto a Clear Purpose Focused Path: Part 2

February 5, 2023

The Journey Through the Wilderness onto a Clear Purpose Focused Path: Part 2

As we move through the wilderness seasons of our lives, let us all move forward trusting in God & the gift of the empowerment given by the Spiritual infusion of the revival & re-awakening of our spirits that gives us new spiritual life imparted by the Holy spirit.

The Blizzard at Christmas: (John 1:5, John 8:12) 1

January 8, 2023

The Blizzard at Christmas: (John 1:5, John 8:12) 1

In the season we just observed referred to as Christmas, we celebrated the birth of this promised Holy child, Emmanuel, with humble prayers of thanksgiving & joyous songs of praise, for as was foretold, unto us a child was born, a son was given & we call Him Emanuel. 

The Blizzard at Christmas: (John 1:5, John 8:12) 2

January 7, 2023

The Blizzard at Christmas: (John 1:5, John 8:12) 2

Though there are many blizzards swirling around us at this time that immobilize us, some caused by weather conditions, others by unsettledness of violence, illness, accidents, losses, poverty, etc., the fact remains that nothing can ever overcome or extinguish the Holy Light of the Christ child.

Walking from Shadows into the Light: Part 1

December 14, 2022

Walking from Shadows into the Light: Part 1

Though it is not observed by all religions, the four weeks leading up to the observance & celebration on Christmas Day are often referred to as “Advent” which means “Coming”. During Advent, the people who believe in the promised coming of a Savior, who is Christ the Lord, experience a gradual revelation of the new life that was foretold by the prophets. As the people begin to realize the depth of the fulfillment & manifestation of the coming of the incarnate Christ & what it means to them & to the world, the darkness of life we experience from time to time gradually turns into the light of hope, love, joy & deep inner peace.

Walking from Shadows into the Light: Part 2

December 14, 2022

Walking from Shadows into the Light: Part 2

As we step into the Holy night with the birth of God’s Holy child, our hearts are filled with hope, love, joy & gratitude that radiates the light of the world, that has grown brighter as we receive God’s gift of new life for us as His kingdom expands to include all people on earth

Grief, Gratitude & Grace: Part 1

November 12, 2022

Grief, Gratitude & Grace: Part 1

As real & painful as a spirit of grief can be, it is possible to shift our view to include waves of gratitude to infiltrate the darkness & thus to let light & healing into our being.

Grief, Gratitude & Grace: Part 2

November 1, 2022

Grief, Gratitude & Grace: Part 2

When we are suffering & lost, & unable to feel a thankful heart, then we are invited by God our creator to pause & breath in His goodness & look around at the beauty of life that surrounds us & that reflects His glory.

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Inspired Health Group

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Suites 101 & 213
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1752

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