Matthew 11:28 & Isaiah 55: 10-11

God’s mercy & goodness will never fail us. God calls us to come to Him for He seeks wholeness for all of His creation. In times of suffering, we can choose to unburden our hearts & lift up thanks, praise & rejoicing to our holy living God for all the blessings & healing we have received & will receive, for He has promised to heal us & to give us new life.


The Healer


God comes to us in many different ways: through His Holy Word, through prayer, through blessed friends who are called to be intercessors witnessing for God as they reflect God’s love & light to us, from the beauty of creation which reminds us of the Glory of God & through songs of worship & praise that re-charge our heart & soul with praise & gratitude, as they soothe our troubled hearts, offering comfort, hope, guidance & grace from God as the music feeds our souls, etc.  All good comes from God & through God.  God hears our cries & welcomes us to come to Him for His healing grace.

In the book of Matthew 11:28, we read that the Lord said: “Come unto me all of you who are weary & heavy laden & I will give you rest.”  It is all right there in the Holy Bible, the words that tell us what to do, the words that will heal us when we are weary & need healing, words that give us hope, even when we are suffering or struggling, whether in our body, our mind, or our spirit, or all three, calling us to come unto God the Healer & He will give us rest.

Still, even when we are suffering or weary & even sometimes when we feel like giving up (and we all do feel that way some time in our life), the reality is we don’t always surrender ourselves to our sovereign Lord when we are in need of healing, at least not right away.  We grow impatient & give up or get angry with God & turn away, rather than come to Him, none of which lead to healing. 

Though we believe God is Sovereign & omnipotent, sometimes the pain is so great & so distracting, that we need help to be reminded that God is right there walking with us, calling us to come to Him & has promised to heal us from whatever is making us weary & despairing, turning darkness into His light.  At those times when our suffering is distracting us from our living God & thus from receiving the healing He offers, God calls us to fully surrender ourselves to Him saying He will send reminders of His presence to us to illuminate & heal our spirits.  It is our spirit that empowers our living & that will feed our bodies & our minds to full healing & it is through God our Redeemer, our Shepherd & our Savior, that the healing of our spirit is offered & given through God’s Grace.

God’s mercy & goodness will never fail us.  God calls us to come to Him for He seeks wholeness for all of His creation.  In times of suffering, we can choose to unburden our hearts & lift up thanks, praise & rejoicing to our holy living God for all the blessings & healing we have received & will receive, for He has promised to heal us & to give us new life.  We invite you all to come to the Lord & as stated in Philippians 4:4-7: “Rejoice in the Lord always, in everything by prayer & supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God & the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard & heal your hearts & your minds in Christ Jesus.”  AMEN


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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