As children of God, called to be stewards of all of creation & vessels to reflect God’s love & hope & healing to creation, the question for us in these challenging days is: “What is God calling us to do at this time?”
A posting from the Glory Center; Inspired Health Group's Spiritual Arm
The time of that first Resurrection day, the days after Christ had risen were tumultuous to say the least. Like the tides of the ocean, we read that the thoughts & feelings of the followers ebbed & flowed between grief, honest raw doubt, fear, cautious hope, & pure joy of the possibility of life overcoming death.
The question for us, not only as we journey through the grief, fear, doubt, confusion & cautious hope of these tumultuous pandemic days, but throughout all of our days is; do we recognize & receive the gift of the Living Christ when He comes to us & then empowered by our faith & the indwelling Holy Spirit; do we reflect His love outward?
A posting from the Glory Center; Inspired Health Group's Spiritual Arm
In many ways, this year is very different than any other Spring we have ever experienced in our lifetime. Aside from the wrestling going on between winter & spring, instead of joyfully celebrating the gift of new life, we find ourselves experiencing the wilderness of unknowing & living in the dark season of fear & hopelessness that the pandemic brings to us.
In this season of new life, as we wrestle between winter & spring (the season of new life) we invite everyone to hold fast to God the giver of all life & to live into & reflect strength & faith in the sure & certain hope of the Resurrection to new life that most assuredly is given by our living faithful God
A posting from the Glory Center; Inspired Health Group's Spiritual Arm
Inspired Health Group is a medical practice whose foundation is based on the theory that the integration of the Mind, the Body & the Spirit working in harmony leads to balance & whole healing. As such, it seems appropriate at this time to share some Spiritual beliefs & practices that hopefully will assist us all to find our way out of the wilderness of unknowing & fear & sustain our living through these challenging days.
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