Early in the Old Testament of the Bible, we read that God formed an everlasting covenant or sacred promise with His believers, in which He promised to protect, guide & bless them & all generations to come with a permanent ever-lasting relationship between our Creator & all of creation.
Free will is part of God’s creative plan, therefore He does not stop the storms we encounter in life. However, He promises to always walk with us in the beauty & the suffering we encounter in life.
Though we have very little control over the challenges that we may encounter along the pathway of life, we do have a choice as to how we will navigate the challenges we encounter. Sometimes we make choices that reflect the Spirit of God within us & that fans the flames of hope grounded in God’s promise of new life given to us & to others, & other times we do not.
When we put our trust in our living God, letting our Creator define our life, we can move away from fear, sadness, & feelings of hopelessness & absorb the love & new life God blesses us with. God is our shepherd, & our refuge & our strength. Regardless of what losses we encounter, new life will be given to us if we trust in God the giver of all life.
It is human nature to want an explanation when things happen that turn our life upside down. When things happen that change our lives traumatically, that make no sense at all & that cause despair & feelings of hopelessness, most people, even people who claim not to believe in God, eventually do turn to God & ask; why? why did this happen? why me? & what did I do to deserve this?
Most of the world’s religions recognize that some of the deepest & most unknowable questions are examined through Biblical stories. One of the darkest & most difficult stories that contains some answers to the question of why painful, challenging situations occur & how to navigate them & move forward, is found in the story of Abraham & his son Isaac in the book of Genesis.
As perfect & spiritually feeding as the summer season appears, the fact of the matter is, woven within these glorious days, it cannot be denied that there are days when we may experience illness or unsettling situations that unbalance us & effect our body, mind, & spirit in one way or another. Suffering, grief & loss do not take time out for the months of the summer.
Try as we may, I do not think we are able to consistently handle balancing the beauty & suffering life brings us without God’s help. So, the question is, where does God who created us & all of life, fit into our lives in times of both beauty & periods of suffering?
The fact is, as we move through our days, God our Creator & great composer, is ever present with us in all living things & situations but sometimes we are so distracted by the scattered pieces of our lives that we just don’t recognize the varied ways that God may be speaking to us.
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