1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
When you pray in faith with hope, you turn yourself toward God, trusting fully that God is faithful & makes all promises real.
Isaiah 9: 2-9;6-7 & Luke 2:35-37
We read in the Gospel of Luke chapter 2 that in God’s time: “An angel of God appeared to a young women named Mary proclaiming that a baby was to be born & He would be named Jesus. The angel foretold that this baby would be great & would be the Son of the Most High, & the Lord God would give Him the throne of his ancestor David. He would reign over the house of Jacob & of His kingdom there would be no end.”
Isaiah 9:2-9;6-7 & Luke 2:35-37
In this season that we refer to as Advent, which means the season of anticipation & hope for the coming of our Lord, I invite all believers to open our hearts to re- visit the words: “Here I am, a servant of the Lord, let it be with me according to His word”. As servants of the Lord, may our preparation be focused on increasing to prepare our hearts to receive the gift of God’s Holy Son & to serve Him day-by-day, with praise & thanksgiving, so to reflect His hope, peace, love & joy.
Ecclesiastes 13:1-8
Everything has its time & each season brings new transitions that elicit different feelings & different choices that help to shape our lives. Our challenge is to continue to move forward in the living of our days making healthy choices as we transition from one season to the next, growing ever closer into the image of God in Who’s image we were created & called to reflect.
Ecclesiastes 13:1-8
Though it is natural to feel unsettled & stressed in times of transition, staying in that feeling is not healthy. The Bible tells us that God is the Light of the world. He will show us the Light for our pathway through the various transitions we face if we trust in His Holy Word.
Romans 1:20
Though God our creator is not the wind nor the water themselves He is embedded in the light, the wind & the water & in all living things. It is the beauty, stirring & rumbling of nature that reveals the trace of the Divine.
Romans 1:20
If only we pay attention, we will be able to behold & sense our Sacred Holy creator whenever we come to the water’s edge, whenever we pause & behold the etching of His almighty hand.
As beautiful as life can be, there truly is suffering in life. Sometimes the suffering is so intense that we can become overcome & literally immobilized with despair, feeling helpless & hopeless about ever being able to do anything to heal or correct whatever issue may be causing the sadness & pain. Regardless of what the form of suffering is when we experience it in our life there can be no healing if our spirits are wounded & if we become consciously or unconsciously disconnected from God. We need God in order to survive & to heal from the suffering that comes upon us in life.
The more we realize how much God loves us, the easier surrendering becomes. Trials in life should not surprise us, nor cause us to doubt God’s faithfulness.
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