POLICY UPDATE: Please take a moment to read our Updated Office Policy, which can be viewed in our News Blog. We are committed to providing you with high-quality care, and would be happy to discuss our policy with you at any time.

From Darkness to Light: Part 3

April 13, 2024

From Darkness to Light: Part 3

Genesis 1: 1-5, 14-19, John 1: 1-5, John 1: 14,16-18

Regardless what type of darkness we may experience in our life, we can always trust that God; the Giver of life, will never leave us in the darkness. The darkness may come in one form or another, but it will always be temporary.

Trusting in Our Shepherd’s Endless Mercy: Part 1

February 20, 2024

Trusting in Our Shepherd’s Endless Mercy: Part 1

Psalm 23

For Christians, Easter is known as the holiest day of the year for it marks the celebration of the day that Jesus overcame death & eternal life was offered to all believers. In the Bible, we read that during those forty days leading up to Easter, Jesus & his twelve disciples journeyed together to Jerusalem, preparing themselves for what had been proclaimed to them by the prophets, the holy scriptures & by Jesus himself over the years.

Trusting in Our Shepherd’s Endless Mercy: Part 2

February 20, 2024

Trusting in Our Shepherd’s Endless Mercy: Part 2

Psalm 23

The Psalms are holy proclamations of the goodness of God, of His comfort & endless mercy, grace, & love for us. They are words that will sustain us through all our days, words that are worth remembering as we journey through our days making choices that will inform & shape our lives. They are words we need to share & reflect, words that will guide us home.

Communing with God: Part 1

January 5, 2024

Communing with God: Part 1

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Generally, it is said that there are many types of prayers in the Bible: prayers of thanksgiving, praise & adoration, supplication, confession, petition, & intercession & many others. However, there really is no limit to what we may lift up to God in our prayers.

Communing with God: Part 2

January 5, 2024

Communing with God: Part 2

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

When you pray in faith with hope, you turn yourself toward God, trusting fully that God is faithful & makes all promises real.


The Zeal of the Lord: Part 1

December 1, 2023

The Zeal of the Lord: Part 1

Isaiah 9: 2-9;6-7 & Luke 2:35-37

We read in the Gospel of Luke chapter 2 that in God’s time: “An angel of God appeared to a young women named Mary proclaiming that a baby was to be born & He would be named Jesus. The angel foretold that this baby would be great & would be the Son of the Most High, & the Lord God would give Him the throne of his ancestor David. He would reign over the house of Jacob & of His kingdom there would be no end.”

The Zeal of the Lord: Part 2

December 1, 2023

The Zeal of the Lord: Part 2

Isaiah 9:2-9;6-7 & Luke 2:35-37

In this season that we refer to as Advent, which means the season of anticipation & hope for the coming of our Lord, I invite all believers to open our hearts to re- visit the words: “Here I am, a servant of the Lord, let it be with me according to His word”. As servants of the Lord, may our preparation be focused on increasing to prepare our hearts to receive the gift of God’s Holy Son & to serve Him day-by-day, with praise & thanksgiving, so to reflect His hope, peace, love & joy.



October 2, 2023


Ecclesiastes 13:1-8

Everything has its time & each season brings new transitions that elicit different feelings & different choices that help to shape our lives. Our challenge is to continue to move forward in the living of our days making healthy choices as we transition from one season to the next, growing ever closer into the image of God in Who’s image we were created & called to reflect.


October 2, 2023


Ecclesiastes 13:1-8

Though it is natural to feel unsettled & stressed in times of transition, staying in that feeling is not healthy. The Bible tells us that God is the Light of the world. He will show us the Light for our pathway through the various transitions we face if we trust in His Holy Word. 

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Inspired Health Group

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Suites 101 & 213
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1752

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