How can we bridge the gap between the weight of sadness, grief & anxiety over our earthly living which from time to time we all experience & the expression of joy & gratitude that comes from our love & thanksgiving for our Creator?
At times the path on our journey of life is smooth, clear & fairly predictable. At those times we are able to walk in partnership with God in an unencumbered, balanced way. At other times the path is rocky & uneven & we stumble, fall & lose our way & we need help to regain the equanimity & wholeness that is God’s will & promise for us.
As we set off at the start of each new day, we do not know what lies ahead for us. It may be a smooth balanced road or a rocky unbalancing road that leads us into the wilderness. What we know for certain is that we are equipped with God’s promise to be with us all our days.
Regardless of what way the brokenness is caused, all incidents of physical limitations offer us opportunities to make choices that transcend the brokenness & thus increase our quality of life.
Our faith is the bedrock of our hope & our hope is the fuel for our healing.
Harmony & balance of the Spirit, Body & Mind, leads us to live from the place of wholeness & wellness that God intends for us.
We invite everyone to seek & to follow God’s lead, to extend to others & to receive from others the healing gifts of the Fruits of the Spirit that are given & to humbly accept God’s resulting whole healing Grace.
When we fail to recognize the spiritual context in which we live, we lose sight of our Creator & our whole being; mind, body & spirit become broken & separated from our life-giving force.
In Kairos moments, when God’s will & time intersect with our will & time, we are brought into harmony & balance with our Creator.
Our team is ready to help you. Schedule an appointment online today.
3671 Southwestern Blvd.
Suites 101 & 213
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1752
(716) 662-7008 Office
(716) 662-5226 Fax
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Open Today 7:00am - 5:00pm
Calls Accepted 8:30am - 4:30pm
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