It sometimes just seems easier to complain, worry, & focus on what is going wrong than it is to celebrate God’s presence in our lives & to live reflecting a spirit of gratitude & joy, don’t you think?
How can we bridge the gap between the beauty & suffering of life & abide in a spirit of gratitude & joyful praise?
We should not be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.
The peace of God is grounded in God’s unconditional Agape love for all of creation. It is different than worldly peace that temporarily may calm the waters of conflict when people resolve differences from time to time & that comes & goes depending on the particular situation.
God offers us a path where we are led by the Holy Spirit versus an earthly path informed by the opinions & actions of the conflicted world.
It is quite obvious that the world is in dire need of peacemakers at this time, people who have the inner peace of God in their heart & whose peace informs their living, reflecting the character of God
Grace is the manifestation of God’s steadfast love. It is through God’s Grace, freely given & bestowed upon us by our Creator that we come to know the character of God & thus the image we are created to reflect.
With God’s Grace & in God’s time, we can trust that individually & as a world we will be healed from this storm of the pandemic.
God knows that on our own, without Him, we are but empty vessels & so He graciously calls us to pause in Sabbath time with Him, to remember to take time throughout each day to come to Him, to be Holy with Him, to speak with Him, to listen to Him, to feed on His Word & to abide in His love.
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