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As new life breaks forth in the Spring, God is revealed to us, sometimes in familiar ways & sometimes in fresh new ways.

Transcendental Transformation: Part 1

The Season of New Life

Spring is known as the season of New Life. In Spring, the earth & gifts of the earth are born & re-born anew. In a transcendental process, living things are re-awakened from their death-like dormancy which they exist in throughout the cold & dark of winter & given new life. Since God is the creator of all life, God is in everything & everything is in God. It is through creation that God reveals Himself to us. As new life breaks forth in the Spring, God is revealed to us, sometimes in familiar ways & sometimes in fresh new ways. In the Springtime, there are signs of new life all around us that remind us of God’s transcendental transformations which are promised to us by God & bring us hope for our living & the gift of resurrected life. 


The Gift of New Life 

There are many examples of the new life given in the season of Spring.  From nature, it is the transformation of the caterpillar into the butterfly that speaks most strongly & reminds us most poignantly of God’s transcendental Grace. The transformation of the caterpillar that crawls among the milkweed, “dies” & emerges from a chrysalis transformed into a glorious perfectly marked monarch butterfly that can soar & float with beautiful delicate wings in the air, is a transcendental transformation that exists apart from the material universe. Only God can transform death into new life, whether it is death caused by disease or a disabling accident, death caused by fear, death caused by grief, death caused by loss of hope or even physical death. God’s Grace of transcendental transformation is something we can not understand. It arises beyond human knowledge & reason & transcends all earthly understanding, yet the gift of new life is promised to us by God. It is in God’s promise for new life that all hope lies.


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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