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Matthew 2: 1-12 & Isaiah 60: 1-6

God’s signs & the prophetic messages reveal to us the true meaning of Christmas. It is why we celebrate Christmas if we believe in God & if we don’t yet, at the very least, it is what we publicly or privately seek after isn’t it? Peace, joy, hope, justice, mercy & love for all people is what we should be celebrating for that is what guided us to embrace with the birth of His Son. So, the question remains: was your spirit awakened to those feeling as you celebrated Christmas this year or not?


It is difficult to believe the celebration of Christmas Eve & Christmas Day have come & gone & we now have stepped into a New Year, isn’t it? The journey of life on earth goes so fast. The question is; what exactly were we celebrating this year at Christmas? I don’t know about you, but since Christmas day, I have had many people ask me directly whether I had a “good Christmas” & it turns out I am not the only one who is struggling with that question. On the day after Christmas when I was sitting in the waiting room, waiting to see the doctor, there were two women who obviously did not know one another, who began to engage in a conversation about Christmas, which I & the others in the room overheard. The conversation went something like this: “Did you have a nice Christmas? No, not really. How about you?” Yes, mine was good, or as good as it could be given the fact that the economy is in such terrible shape & the whole world is in turmoil. Do you know what I mean? Yes, I certainly do. Maybe that is why I just didn’t feel like Christmas at all this year. I mean really, how could anyone feel good, or joyful, or at peace listening to the news & hearing what a mess the world is in right now? There is so much wrong, the war, the economy, the violence etc. With all of that, well, I for one have just been unable to muster up any hope, joy, peace, or even much love for that matter. I primarily feel tired. Maybe I have just lost my way on the journey of faith. Who knows? Maybe I should ask the doctor for an anti-depressant.” (Then, they both laughed.) “Well,” said the other women, “I did everything I usually do, decorating, cooking, buying & giving gifts but you are right, I feel like I missed Christmas too. You know, that spark - that spirit was missing. Yes, me too.” said the other women. “Well now that it is over, we have a whole year to get into the spirit so hopefully, we’ll both feel more joyful next year.” Then, they both laughed & changed the subject.

Their conversation made me stop & think about my own feelings this Christmas & what it really means to say either we have had a “good Christmas” or if we have not had a “good Christmas”, then what got in the way, despite putting up all the traditional decorations, etc.? I wonder about you all? Did you have a” good Christmas” & if not, what got in your way? I think the measure of the answer to that question is, was it just another holiday, another time of traditions that you got through & are now exhausted? Or do you feel spiritually rejuvenated & renewed & hopeful as you reflect on God’s gift of His incarnate Son born in a lowly manger & all that that means not only to us but to all of the universe.

God’s signs & the prophetic messages reveal to us the true meaning of Christmas. It is why we celebrate Christmas if we believe in God & if we don’t yet, at the very least, it is what we publicly or privately seek after isn’t it? Peace, joy, hope, justice, mercy & love for all people is what we should be celebrating for that is what guided us to embrace with the birth of His Son. So, the question remains: was your spirit awakened to those feeling as you celebrated Christmas this year or not?

I believe that most people know on some level that Christmas is about God coming among us in the form of a baby as foretold by the prophets. However, the question remains: is our focus on the gift given from God of His Holy Son, that came to change the world—the birth of the long awaited & hoped for Messiah, or was it focused on the earthly celebration of material things & traditions?


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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