Our physical, mental, & spiritual health depends on staying grounded in our true unchanging identity. Our true identity as a Beloved child of God is anchored beyond all earthly challenges & brings our body, mind, & spirit into balance & harmony which enables us to experience whole healing as we witness for God.

The Core Truth of our Existence: Part 2

Balance & Harmony


Maintaining balance & harmony between our body, mind & spirit is no doubt a challenge.  However, there exists a solid belief in the hearts of the people created by God, though sometimes upspoken or unrecognized, that regardless of what the earthly pulls or challenges may be, we do live in partnership with our creator God & all things are possible through God.  It is in that reality that hope exists for the healing & wholeness of our body, mind & spirit which enables us to live fully as the Beloved children of God.

Living as God’s Beloved & called to reflect His love, challenges us to nurture our bodies, our mind & our spirits. The body is the physical aspect of our being. It is through our bodies that we connect with the physical world. There is no question that our physical bodies demand a lot of attention that can affect our mind such as our; thoughts, view, & emotions & can cloud or even mute our spirit at times. That is particularly true when our bodies are broken, or diseased & when pain is present or chronic, or when our physical life is threatened. When our bodies are infirmed in any way, it is important that we address various ways to enhance, restore & sustain physical heath as much as possible in order to participate in healing & achieve optimal wholeness in order to serve as God’s hands, feet, & voice in the world. The mind is that element of our person that consists of a variety of mental states such as view or perceptions, thoughts, emotions, & attitudes. The view one holds can affect either in a positive or a negative way, caring for oneself, interacting with others, & following the Spirit’s leading. It can bring hope and joy, or despair. The greatest enemy of the spiritual life is self-rejection that is based on the judgments of others, that takes on a view or identity that we are worthless, unlovable, or not enough. These views contradict the sacred voice of God who loves us & claims us as His Beloved children. When we live as one who is other defined, whether it is a positive or negative identity, it is highly likely that our bodies will experience dis-ease in some way due to; the stress of trying to live up to unrealistic expectations, or the depression & despair of not belonging. In addition, our relationships get broken, for love is not freely expressed if we are self-absorbed by stress or distress. The Spirit is that indwelling component of our being that is the vital life animating force for the body & the mind. It is the Divine Force that empowers us to reflect God’s image through our living. We strengthen our spiritual life by remaining focused on God, through prayer, worship, & Spiritual disciplines, to name just a few.

Our physical, mental, & spiritual health depends on staying grounded in our true unchanging identity. Our true identity as a Beloved child of God is anchored beyond all earthly challenges & brings our body, mind, & spirit into balance & harmony which enables us to experience whole healing as we witness for God. We belong to God & it is as a child of God that we are sent into the world, as a complete, whole creation. God invites each of us to live fully in His love, always remembering who we are & to whom we belong. God’s love for us will never end. He promises to never leave us & to walk with us through all of our days.  AMEN


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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