Genesis 1: 1-5, 14-19, John 1: 1-5, John 1: 14,16-18

Regardless what type of darkness we may experience in our life, we can always trust that God; the Giver of life, will never leave us in the darkness. The darkness may come in one form or another, but it will always be temporary.

From Darkness to Light: Part 3

Total Darkness…Life Giving Light 

God gives us reminders, often through creation of His working of darkness & Light in our lives. When we view our life through our third eye as described previously, we will recognize God’s message to us & experience a oneness with God & life bringing us closer to God & giving us healing & wholeness.

One example of seeing through our third eye & receiving God’s message, is the total solar eclipse that just occurred in our area. A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun & the earth, casting a shadow of darkness on the earth, blocking the sun’s light. When this occurred recently, there were some people who saw the darkness covering the earth & then the sun’s light gradually reappearing with their first eye, as a beautiful sight. Others who saw the darkness covering the earth with their second eye, saw it as an interesting scientific phenomenon. While people who saw with their third eye, the darkness covering the light, turning the earth into darkness & then saw the light return as the rotation continued, saw it as a strong reminder of the darkness that covered the earth at the time Jesus breathed His last breath & then His resurrection into new Light & life to all. It was the view through the third eye that brought a deep interconnection with God; the Giver of inextinguishable Light & eternal life to all.

Did you ever notice that God often brings Divine Light into our personal lives & into the world at those times when we are in our darkest season & shatters the darkness? Regardless what type of darkness we may experience in our life, we can always trust that God; the Giver of life, will never leave us in the darkness. The darkness may come in one form or another, but it will always be temporary. In God’s time, the Light will always come & healing & wholeness will be given as we step into His Divine Light freely given. Walk in the Light & you will find your way ever closer to God; the giver of all life, Light, wholeness & healing. AMEN


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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