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Our life is about letting God use us for His purpose. Our purpose is to reflect God’s essence, all of His goodness, love, compassion, justice, & hope, therefore glorifying Him through everything we do.

Living into Our Divine Purpose: Part 2

Reflecting Divine Purpose


Everything created by God reflects His eternal essence - His glory. We see His glory reflected everywhere; in sunrises & sunsets, in stars, & storms, in the changing seasons, in water & wind, in all plants, insects, birds, & animals, & in one another.  God is present & revealed in all of creation. Throughout all of nature we learn that God is powerful, that He enjoys variety, loves beauty, is organized, wise, creative & is present in all living things. In the Judeo-Christian creation story, we read that humans were created in the very image and likeness of God. By God’s radical grace, our very DNA is divine, for we are God’s children created to live in divine union with our Creator God. We each were born by His purpose & for His purpose.

The sole purpose of our life is to glorify God as stated in; (1 Chronicles 16:24, Psalm 29:1, Psalm 66:2, & 2 Corinthians 3:18). Our life is about letting God use us for His purpose. Our purpose is to reflect God’s essence, all of His goodness, love, compassion, justice, & hope, therefore glorifying Him through everything we do. We are blessed to live in union with God to fulfill His divine purpose in life. By His divine radical grace, human beings are empowered by His indwelling Holy spirit to live into the reflection & fulfillment of His purpose. His presence & Divine purposes are sealed in our heart & nothing, not even a pandemic or extreme disorder or broken imperfection can separate us from the love of God.

God has given us all we need to reflect & live into our divine purpose. The force that drives us, guides us & motivates us to glorify God is our love & faith in Him. We live in the light of the glory of God & the darkness will never overcome His light.

In gratitude to God for giving us the opportunity to participate in life, reflecting His divine purpose, in faith we can step into this coming year that is filled with challenges, as well as the new life promised with the coming of Spring, with a clear purpose & calm heart, empowered by our divine union with our Creator, that carries with it hope, love, & peace. Real security can only be found in that which can never be taken from us & our relationship with God is eternal.

Let us each go forward together then, in faith, love, peace & hope glorifying God in all that we do, for: “When the time of our particular sunset comes, our thing, our accomplishments won’t really matter a great deal, but the faith, clarity & care with which we have loved others will speak with vitality of the great gift of life we have been for each other.” (Monks of Weston Priory) AMEN


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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