Our life is a gift given to us by God our Creator. It is always shifting, changing & never stagnant. As it is written in the book of Ecclesiastes; “To everything there is a season, a time to be born a time to die, a time to weep a time to laugh, a time to mourn & a time to dance, etc.”. Beauty & suffering are woven together as we move through our days, experiencing both joy & sorrow, health & illness, hope & despair. How we live into these seasons is shaped by, as well as, impacts our spirit & our soul & thus effects our total being; mind body & spirit.
December is often referred to as the “Season of Light”. From the beginning of time & across the vast majority of faith & wisdom traditions, “Light” has been associated with the Divine, Holy Being; God, our Creator. Light was the
first thing God created & itself is often used as a metaphor for God, who illuminates all seasons of life for us. There is nothing concrete about light; Divine or physical. Whether it is “Divine Light” which refers to God, or physical light, it is rather illusive, yet we all know what light does. Light illuminates, physically, emotionally, & spiritually. We need light to live. In fact with very few exceptions there would be no life without light. As in the presence of physical light, as we journey through our various seasons of life we can see things more clearly. We can walk forward in our lives in a more confident & balanced way, with less hesitation or fear, avoiding obstacles & thus be able to choose the safest pathway regardless of our circumstances. The same may be said for walking in the
“Divine Light of God’s Holy presence”.
It has been said: “Where there is light, there must be shadow, where there is shadow there must be light. There is not shadow without light & not light without shadow.” Though we can not avoid the shadow seasons of life, we can choose how we are going to journey through them. The view that we hold in any particular season, whether a season of light or of shadow, effects the state of our mind, body & spirit. When we chose to stay in the shadow season it effects our whole health negatively & at the very least delays healing. When we chose to journey in the Light, it effects our whole health in positive ways & promotes healing of our mind, body & spirit.
God, our Creator of Light, illuminates all of life & shows us the pathway to whole health & wellbeing. Though we cannot avoid shadows, we can chose to walk in the Light by abiding in the states of being listed above & reflecting outward, a balanced life of gratitude, grace, joy & equanimity. The Light of our Divine God is inextinguishable. “This Light shines in the darkness & the darkness can not over come it.”
~By Rev Kathryn Bindig MDiv. MS; Spiritual Consultant with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy
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