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Early in the Old Testament of the Bible, we read that God formed an everlasting covenant or sacred promise with His believers, in which He promised to protect, guide & bless them & all generations to come with a permanent ever-lasting relationship between our Creator & all of creation.

Living in the Light of God’s Covenant : Part 1

Covenant: God’s Sacred Promise


In the beginning when God our benevolent omnipotent Creator created the heavens & the earth, the earth began as a formless void & darkness covered the face of the deep. It is written in the Bible that wind, the very breath of God, swept over the face of the waters & life as we know it was created. In six days, God separated light from dark, the sky from the seas, & the seas from the land. He then created all living things, & all forms of life including humans who were created according to His image. The creation story was written in the Bible many years ago & preserved for all times. The Bible is known as the Holy Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit & written by men. It is a timeless, true story of God & His unfolding Divine plan. Throughout the Bible, in addition to being referred to as our benevolent omnipotent Creator, God is referred to as the Alpha & the Omega, the beginning & the end, emphasizing the comprehensiveness of God, implying that God includes all that can be & that all things are possible through Him alone. Biblical scholars are quoted as saying: “Whatever was written in former days was written & guided by the Holy Spirit of God for our instruction, so that by faith, steadfastness & encouragement we might find hope & live reflecting the will & the very nature of God, which is the purpose of our being.”

Early in the Old Testament of the Bible, we read that God formed an everlasting covenant or sacred promise with His believers, in which He promised to protect, guide & bless them & all generations to come with a permanent ever-lasting relationship between our Creator & all of creation. God promised never to forsake His people & to extend unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, grace, mercy & justice to all believers. We can believe in God & trust in God’s promises for He is our refuge & our strength, our shepherd & our protector. His love is unconditional & steadfast. All things are possible through God our benevolent Creator, which is a truth that brings us hope & healing. Free will is part of God’s creative plan, therefore He does not stop the storms we encounter in life. However, He promises to always walk with us in the beauty & the suffering we encounter in life. As promised in His sacred covenant, His holy Light shines in the darkness & the darkness can never overcome it. Therefore, there is nothing in all of creation that can separate us from the love of God, & in that is comfort, strength & hope to face all situations we encounter in our lives.


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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