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With God’s Grace & in God’s time, we can trust that individually & as a world we will be healed from this storm of the pandemic.

Bathed in God’s Grace: Part 2

Bathed in God’s Grace—Hope for Things Unseen


As dark as this storm is, it is important to remember that storms do not last forever & that not all storms come to disrupt our lives. Some storms come to clear our path. Sometimes when water is flowing smoothly down a stream & suddenly encounters an obstacle: a log or a stone or something that appears to block the flow, the water will always find a way to continue its flow by finding another route around, over or through the blockage. The same is true for God’s bearers of Grace. When storms come that darken our path, God will make a way for us so that we can continue to experience & to spread His healing Grace. God’s love is steadfast. Even in the darkness of a storm, though we cannot see the Light, we can dare to believe it is still there. In these challenging times I am certain that we can relate to Apostle Paul’s writing in the book of Romans, Chapter 8, when he says: “We know that the whole of creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; & not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we await redemption. For in hope we were saved. Now, hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words."

So, the question that stands before us now is; what is it that fuels our hope for the things that are unseen? For there is much that is unseen in this storm we are in. The truth is at this time, though it is unseen, whether we are aware of it or not, we are all hoping to be bathed in God’s healing Grace aren’t we? We know that all good things come from God, not from our own efforts but rather through God’s Grace which we are called to bear witness to through our living. Each one of us, created in the image of God are empowered to reflect the gifts of Grace that reflect the Love of God. The anchor of our hope lies in faith & trust in our Living God. “Faith in our Living Lord is the bedrock of all hope, & it is hope that is the fuel for our healing.”

God’s grace is offered to us freely & is everywhere: in the beauty of creation, through the gift of music, through friendships, through prayer & Communion & through the giving & receiving of Grace filled words & actions, all of which reflect God’s Love. Faith is the key to God’s Grace & that Grace is the manifestation of God’s Love. Without faith, God’s Grace is wasted & without Grace, faith is powerless. It is God’s Grace received & then shared that will clear a path through the darkness & into the Light for us & heal our world. Through faith, God has & will continue to bless & bathe all human beings in His Grace & thus empower us to extend healing Grace to others. With God’s Grace & in God’s time, we can trust that individually & as a world we will be healed from this storm of the pandemic.

We have received a high calling from God to be stewards of all creation. We have been empowered to spread His love through Grace. Though we may encounter obstacles in our path from time to time, & at times feel overwhelmed or inadequate for this calling, the fact is that we, as those created in the very image of God, are empowered with His Divine Spirit & as such cannot be stopped. God promises to walk with us & to show us a way regardless of the roadblocks or obstacles that we may encounter. God is a steadfast, loving presence in our lives. We can go forward through these challenging days & beyond, living in the sure & certain hope of the resurrection. God’s Grace is more than sufficient to heal whatever challenges or wounds we may experience. We are all invited to rest in knowing that in God’s time & through God’s Grace we will be bathed in His healing Grace & once again live into the Peace that surpasses all understanding.




~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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