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Here are some excerpts from previous spirituality postings you are invited to reflect upon.

Words to Reflect Upon: Part 1

“Sometimes when water is flowing smoothly down a stream and suddenly encounters and obstacle; or a stone or something that appears to block the flow, the water will always find a way to continue its flow by finding another route around, over or through the blockage. The same is true for those who live in service to God’s witnessing to His steadfast love and grace.”


“Regardless of what way the brokenness is caused, all incidents of physical limitations offer us the opportunities to make choices that transcend the brokenness and thus increase the quality of life. The question is, are we with patience and a heart of hopefulness and trust in God’s transcendent grace going to skillfully engage with what is unfolding or are we going to give into limitations and focus on things that are not rather than things we have to be grateful for?“


“When we recognize God and the goodness and beauty of all that He has created, and all that He gives to us, it will turn our hearts from the suffering, indifference, hopelessness, and despair of life, into praiseful, prayerful, hopeful, rejoicing, which will naturally fill our hearts with the peace that surpasses all earthly understanding.“


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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