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In Kairos moments, when God’s will & time intersect with our will & time, we are brought into harmony & balance with our Creator.

Recognizing the Spiritual Context in Which We Live: Part 2

Pathways on Holy Ground & Kairos Moments; Where God’s Time & Human’s Time Intersect

Holy Ground is anywhere God’s presence resides. God our Creator is in all creation, & all of creation is part of God. Therefore, every place on earth is Holy Ground. Since God comes to us & is made known to us in the common things of everyday living, every moment in our life is an opportunity given to us to walk on Holy Ground in the presence of God. When we live in a spirit of gratitude & reverence for God, we naturally become aware of the presence of God in our midst & encounter those transcendent moments of awe, that change how we experience life & the world. In His presence, we are joined with God & are made complete. In Kairos moments, when God’s will & time intersect with our will & time, we are brought into harmony & balance with our Creator. It is important that we mark those moments of connection with God in order to let others know & to remind ourselves as well, that God is present in & on that Holy Ground. This marking serves as a reminder of the connection that exists between humans & God, inspires hope & draws all who that see it, closer to receiving God’s healing grace. Traditionally, as a symbol of faith, people who have encountered the living God, mark their moments of transcendence in God’s presence with a stack of three stones, one on top of another indicating the connection between earth & heaven. The Glory Center in conjunction with Inspired Health Group is committed to contributing to healing wholeness as it provides care for the soul. In that regard they have created a Healing & Wellness Garden Pathway which contains many varied forms of God’s creations. The garden is Holy Ground, a place where God resides & transcendent moments of awe come alive. You are invited to walk on the pathway of Holy Ground & experience God’s healing grace. As you walk you will notice multiple stacks of three stones marking God’s presence, where God’s time & will & our time & will intersect, bringing healing & wholeness. The stones serve as a reminder of God’s presence on the Holy Ground & His promise to always be joined with His creation.


“Here, O our Lord, we see You face to face.

Here would we touch and handle things unseen

Here grasp with firmer hand eternal grace,

And all our weariness upon You lean.”


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig MDiv. MS; Spiritual Consultant with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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