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As children of God, called to be stewards of all of creation & vessels to reflect God’s love & hope & healing to creation, the question for us in these challenging days is: “What is God calling us to do at this time?”

Promoting & Cultivating Hope in a Challenging Time: Part 2

Current Challenges


At the time of this writing, there is no doubt at all, that all of God’s creation is currently living in a time of extraordinary challenge. It has been said by many that the very soul of the nation, or the very soul of the world for that matter, is in danger. For over 4 months, all of God’s creation has been challenged to live through a global pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus. In addition to the over 110,000 deaths in the United States alone & the physical pain & suffering caused by this virus, & the attempts to manage this virus through necessary mandated quarantines have caused many public businesses to close & consequently many to lose their jobs creating situations of poverty. Since this virus is a rapidly spreading disease with no current cure, its existence has caused tremendous stress, fear, grief, loneliness, sacrifice, poverty, & feelings of hopelessness about the future. Though there is some indication that the virus is decreasing, there continues to be threats of a resurgence.

In addition to the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus, during this challenging time there has been a dramatic increase in hostile actions fueled by racial prejudice. Some would say that the increase of racial prejudice at this time is another type of a pandemic that is sweeping across the world & that it has existed in one form or another for many years. This increased racial prejudice at this time is resulting in: increased acts of violence, brutality, injustice, & the misuse of power both in word & deed, all in the name of keeping the peace. However, peace does not appear to be forthcoming any time soon, though there does seem to be some indication that change is in the wind.


Cultivating Hope & Love


The two current pandemics, the virus & the increase of racial prejudice & unrest occurring at the same time, have challenged us to search for ways to live with any sense of hope for the future & in some cases, with any sense of equanimity & love for one another. With no cure & increased violence & despair, it is easy to allow ourselves to become overwhelmed & to feel hopeless & powerless to change the course at this time. As children of God, called to be stewards of all of creation & vessels to reflect God’s love & hope & healing to creation, the question for us in these challenging days is: “What is God calling us to do at this time?” The fact is, there is no clear or easy answer to that question for it is not a question of “doing”, rather it is a question of “being”. How are we to “be”, as God’s children at this time? In answer to that question, God is inviting us to abide with Him & in Him. We are called to keep our focus on Him & to come to Him daily to be fed & led by Him. God is the vine & we are the branches, cut off from Him we can do nothing. We are all invited to trust & live into the fact that God will lead the way for us, guiding us by faith, into the new day where we all are able to live into His image, in which we were all created.


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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