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Inspired Health Group is a medical practice whose foundation is based on the theory that the integration of the Mind, the Body & the Spirit working in harmony leads to balance & whole healing. As such, it seems appropriate at this time to share some Spiritual beliefs & practices that hopefully will assist us all to find our way out of the wilderness of unknowing & fear & sustain our living through these challenging days.

Spiritual Sustenance: Part 1


Walking in Faith Through the Wilderness of the Unknown

Sometimes in life, events so overshadow our plans that we have no recourse but to stop what we are doing & respond to the interruptions. At times like these it is easy to get off balance & in many cases to allow fear of the unknown to overtake our lives. As we all are aware, we are currently in a Global Crisis referred to as a Pandemic regarding the rapidly spreading coronavirus. Though we do have some limited facts about this Pandemic, we are essentially walking in the wilderness of the unknown at this time. With all the frequent breaking news that we are being bombarded with, it is difficult to know how to feel, what the future holds & what we can do about it. Our environment appears to be rapidly changing, in some cases hour by hour, causing confusion & fear. It is obvious that at this time the primary attention being given regarding this crisis is to the possible physical cause, symptoms, threat, & the physical & mental management of this pandemic. The Inspired Health Group is a medical practice whose foundation is based on the theory that the integration of the Mind, the Body & the Spirit working in harmony leads to balance & whole healing. As such, it seems appropriate at this time to share some Spiritual beliefs & practices that hopefully will assist us all to find our way out of the wilderness of unknowing & fear & sustain our living through these challenging days.

Disasters or rapidly spreading pandemics which we are currently experiencing affect everyone & peel us away from the “mundane matters” to the very issue of human life. The whole of creation is being affected by this potentially life-threatening virus. When danger, loss & suffering become a public phenomenon all those who share in the experience are brought together in a very powerful sense. Borders & boundaries are expanded & worries about the past & the future are unrealistic when judged against the realities of the moment. Distinctions between people fall away, leaving only human beings responding to one another as human beings in one voice understood by all. We are all God’s children. In times like these, “when one suffers, we all suffer, when one rejoices, we all rejoice.” (1 Cor. 12: 26).  Thrown together in one unrelenting present, we are made to recognize in one another what we deny most about ourselves, that in the end, it’s our vulnerability that connects us. Unfortunately, at this time, there is no medical cure for this virus. However, there are many spiritual statements, Scriptures, & practices that will help sustain us through these days.


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Spiritual Consultant with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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