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Isaiah 55: 6-13

Regardless of what New Year’s resolutions you may have made, the Holy Scriptures tell us that the Light & Glory of God will always overcome the darkness of this world. God works in ways we cannot see but if we seek Him, if we follow Him, we will find a pathway into the Light & healing & restoration will be given, & warring, & hatred & prejudice will cease. The scriptures tell us when we seek & follow the Lord that He will be found & by His Love & Grace, He will lead us out of darkness & hopelessness & into the Light of faith & hope.

The Season of Renewal & Restoration: Part 2

We read in the Holy Scripture that darkness & suffering is not our Creator’s Will for us. God offers us renewal & restoration for our Spirits & invites us to step into an abundant life that is in accordance with His Will for us as we move through our days. So once again the question for each of us at this time of new beginnings is: “Do the New Year resolutions we have made this year reflect Light or darkness, a life of beauty or suffering? If they do not reflect God’s Will, then the questions are: why not & what can we do to move through the darkness & into the Light? Individually & as a group, what can we do to move from the darkness life brings at times, into the Light of our living Lord? What do we need to do in order to: restore, refresh & renew our Spirits to live & reflect God’s Light? In the Bible’s Old Testament, in the book of the prophet Isaiah, chapter 55:6-13 it clearly tells us what we can do & that is to: “seek the Lord where He may be found & call upon His name & to step into His light.”

Simply because a person makes a New Year’s resolution to live in a new way that will enhance, renew & restore their life, does not mean that it is necessarily totally within their own power to bring that resolution to fruition. We do not live in isolation, so it is possible, even likely, especially at this time in our history, that decisions will be made by the group or governing body that we live with, that will decrease our quality of life & therefore not be in synch with our beliefs & will bring us into a season of suffering & darkness. An example of that is the decision made by the governing body in our country to dissolve the Department of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, referred to as the DEI. The DEI is a term used to describe policies & programs that promote representation & participation of different groups of individuals. The DEI encompasses people of different ages, races, ethnicities, abilities, disabilities, genders, religions & cultures. When any of these groups are excluded, abused, dissolved or disempowered, it represents a significant prejudice which decreases the people’s quality of life, causing them to suffer & live into a season of darkness & hopelessness.

However, since living in the Light of God which brings beauty versus suffering is God’s Will for us, regardless of how it is we find ourselves living in a season of darkness, the Scriptures tell us that all things are possible through God & that God has a plan for us that if we embrace it, will restore & renew our Spirits & will usher us into a season of Light where we will be able to reflect God’s Light & Love to one another. When we embrace God’s plan, our Spirits will be renewed & restored as we bring those who live in darkness into His life giving Light & hope will be restored to all who call upon the Lord. In the book of the prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament, we read that darkness can never obscure the Light.

Regardless of what New Year’s resolutions you may have made, the Holy Scriptures tell us that the Light & Glory of God will always overcome the darkness of this world. God works in ways we cannot see but if we seek Him, if we follow Him, we will find a pathway into the Light & healing & restoration will be given, & warring, & hatred & prejudice will cease. The scriptures tell us when we seek & follow the Lord that He will be found & by His Love & Grace, He will lead us out of darkness & hopelessness & into the Light of faith & hope.

Do you feel the world is broken right now? Do you feel the shadows of darkness closing in? Do you wish you could make everything new & whole & healed? I admit that sometimes I feel like I’m going to break from all the darkness that swirls around at times but then I turn my eyes & heart to the Lord & my Spirit is renewed, refreshed & restored, for I know God is Light & Love & His Light will always, in His time, overcome the darkness, driving it away. I am holding onto a faith & a hope that will not fade. As we continue to live into 2025, I invite you all to embrace the resolution to live into God’s plan, living & reflecting His Goodness & Light. As you journey into & reflect the abundant, renewed & restored life God offers each of us: "The darkness shall turn to dawning & the dawning to noon day bright & Christ’s great Kingdom shall come to earth, the Kingdom of Love & Light." AMEN


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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