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Summer ready and Nutritionist Approved recipes for your July 4th BBQ from Inspired Health Group Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Nicole Moretta.

Fourth of July Recipes

Summer is here and it's BBQ season! And while summer is filled with cookouts, there is always something special about a 4th of July BBQ, right? We're not trying to do a total health-food makeover, but maybe add a little POP to your party.

Whether you're hosting or attending, wouldn't it feel great to have everyone talking about YOUR dish? We challenge you to try one or try all of our curated list of recipes of 4th of July classics with a twist.

Find recipes for apps, sides, main dishes and dessert below:

Drink: Sparkling Cherry Limeade

Appetizer: Garlic Dill Sunflower Dip

Side: Simple French-Style Potato Salad

Side: Veggie Skewers with Chimichurri Sauce

Main: Smoky BBQ Black Bean Burger

Dessert: Peanut butter chip frozen yogurt bar

- Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Nicole Moretta





Find more great recipes on our Recipe blog

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