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Looking for deli meat alternative sandwich ideas to pack your child a nutritious lunch with whole food nutrients?  Jennifer Anderson, registered dietitian and the founder of Kids Eat in Color®, shares some of her family favorites just in time for back-to-school.

Sandwiches Beyond the Deli Meat

Whether you're looking for more school lunch variety for your family, or you are avoiding eating deli meat, Registered Dietitian, Jennifer Anderson, has some great sandwich inspiration!

"Whenever I reduce or remove something from the diet, I think about what I was getting from that food. In the case of deli meat, we were getting protein and fat. Perhaps some iron, depending on the type of deli meat. So, I need alternatives that will taste good and will have protein, fat, and maybe some iron.

These sandwich combos enable you to combine protein and fat. They also allow you to mix iron-rich plant foods (like spinach or peanut butter) with vitamin C sources like fruits and veggies. That gives you the biggest bang for your buck in the iron department.

And if you have a little one under 2 who can’t manage a sandwich yet, serve it deconstructed! These are completely balanced meals whether or not you can keep your sandwich together.

Here are 6 sandwiches that my kids love."

- Jennifer Anderson of Kids Eat in Color


Related Blogs:

Back to School Healthy Lunch Ideas

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