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In my quest to become Ina Garten, I decided to go outside of my comfort zone a bit and try something I’ve never made before, salmon. I love salmon, I order it in restaurants all the time, but I’ve never made it. I’ll be honest the price tag has always detoured me. However it was totally worth it and it really wasn’t that expensive. If you’re looking for a special meal or just something different try out this salmon because it was honestly delicious.


One Pan Salmon

What you’ll need:

5 Salmon Fillets (Fresh not frozen, trust me on this)

2 Tablespoons minced garlic

2 Tablespoons parsley flakes (Use fresh parsley if you have it, if not no worries)

Salt and Pepper

Olive oil cooking spray

2 Tablespoons olive oil

2 Good size lemons

1 Bunch asparagus

Preheat your oven by turning the broil on high. Let this sit for a few minutes while you get your fish prepared. Take a large baking sheet and place a piece of foil over the top. Coat foil with olive oil spray and sprinkle salt and pepper to taste.

In a small bowl combine your garlic, parsley and olive oil. Mix together. Arrange your fillets on the baking sheet, evenly spaced. Brush the garlic mixture over your salmon. Half one of your lemons and squeeze the juice from both halves over your fillets.

With the remaining space on the baking sheet spread your asparagus out in the single layer. Lightly salt and pepper. Cut the other lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of one half over the asparagus. Use the remaining lemon and cut into slices and garnish the fillets.

Place in the oven to broil on high for 8-10 minutes, or until properly cooked. Don’t let the time scare you, fish is different from cooking chicken or beef. You shouldn’t need more than 10 minutes, if you do check your oven…


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