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As the weather warms and many of us start spending more time outside, we may be more physically active than we were in winter.  Ease into Spring physical activity with stretching!  

Ease into Spring Physical Activity with Stretching

What comes to mind when you think about the Spring season?  More sunshine, blooming flowers, Easter? For many of us Spring means spending more time outside and focusing on our physical health.

Of course exercise is essential to our body, mind, and spirit wellbeing. However, stretching also has many proven health benefits when done before and after exercise. Stretching improves flexibility which increases performance during physical activities, increases blood flow to muscles thereby decreasing healing time and soreness, and improves mobility which prevents injuries.

Always be sure to use these helpful tips when stretching:

1) Focus on major muscle groups such as neck, shoulders, lower back, thighs, and calves.

2) Stretch symmetrically to ensure equal flexibility on both sides.

3) DO NOT BOUNCE! This is one of the most common mistakes with stretching and can actually lead to tighter muscles and increase risk of injury.

4) Hold your stretches for at least 30 seconds. Keep your Spring season happy, healthy, and safe by exercising and do not forget to stretch!


- Mark Eberhard, PA


Mark Eberhard is a Physician Assistant at our Orchard Park family practice.  If you have questions about your health or are due for your annual physical, message our care team through your patient portal.  Patients can schedule appointments with Mark, and our other providers, online.  New patients are welcome!



American Heart Association shares 5 simple stretches using a chair.  As with any new physical activity, ease into it and talk to your care provider for considerations specific to your health and wellbeing.



Learn more:

Stretching and Flexibility Guidelines Update from American College of Sports Medicine 

Stretching and Flexibility Exercises from American Heart Association 

Physical Activity Breaks for the Workplace from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

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