If you're not able to hit the recommended 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity every week, don't throw in the towel!  ACSM Past President William Kraus, M.D., FACSM talks with AARP about how short bursts of physical activity each day can have life-extending benefits.

How 11 Minutes of Exercise Can Help You Live Longer

From American College of Sports Medicine & AARP:


It’s no secret that exercise is key to a healthier and longer life. As you have likely heard, federal guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity every week. Think: five days of 30-minute workouts like brisk walking, dancing or cycling. The guidelines also call for at least two sessions of strength training per week.

But how much exercise do you really need to get life-extending benefits? Is 150 minutes a week the optimal amount of exercise for a long life, or should you strive for more? What if you measure your exercise in steps, not minutes? And how many years do other types of exercise, like strength and balance training, add?


Recent studies on the links between activity and longevity help shed light on those and other questions — with some surprising takeaways for older adults in particular. (For instance, more doesn't appear to be more when it comes to strength training, while stretching emerges as a potential lifesaver.) Here's what research and experts say about the right dose of exercise to enhance your lifespan.


Just 11 minutes of activity can help you live longer! Learn More!



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