Inspired Health Group's Dietitian Nutritionist, Nicole Moretta, shares a Thanksgiving Day eating and activity plan to enjoy the holiday and a healthy lifestyle.
Have you started on the path towards making healthy lifestyle changes and you're curious how you can continue your progress during the holidays? Inspired Health Group, Dietitian Nutritionist, Nicole Moretta, shares her Thanksgiving game plan as inspiration. It's possible to actually enjoy the holidays while also honoring your healthy lifestyle goals!
Get inspired with these four basic tips to have a healthier Thanksgiving. Do what you can! A healthy lifestyle change doesn't have to happen overnight. Even one step towards a having a healthier day than yesterday is an achievement to be grateful for.
Eggs with peppers and mushrooms with slice of whole grain toast, Smuckers Natural PB and a few blackberries on top (red, tan, purple)
Get moving as a family with my kids for about 20min. This helps with my stress and helps the kids burn off some energy since most of the day is spent sitting around
Protein shake with organic chocolate protein powder, ½ frozen banana, frozen strawberries, spinach, water (yellow, red, green)
Greek salad with chicken, hummus, bell peppers, kalamata olives, feta cheese and tomatoes (green, green, red, black, red)
Traditional Thanksgiving dinner and I bring a vegetable side dish to pass
I pick my favorite sweets to have. I put everything on a plate to sit and enjoy this time with everyone around the table. My personal choice is my mom's cheesecake, that she only make twice a year, and my cousin's strawberry pretzel cake.
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