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As we welcome fall with shorter days and less time spent outside in the sun, now is a good time to consider vitamin D supplements with your health care provider.  IHG Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Katie Schaeffer, discusses the importance of maintaining our levels of Vitamin D in our Western New York Region. 

The Importance of Maintaining Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is an important fat-soluble compound that your body needs to maintain normal function. Vitamin D deficiencies can lead to softer bones, increased risk of diabetes, increased risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, and an increased risk of depression. 


The good news is your body produces vitamin D on its own when it is exposed to UV light from the sun during certain times of the year.  However, in Western New York, our window to produce vitamin D naturally is very small. In fact, if you protect your skin from sunburn with sunscreen or protective clothing, you may not be making vitamin D even during the sunniest times of year!


Fortunately, a supplement is just as effective for maintaining your vitamin D levels and may be safer for your skin than spending too much time in full sun. For most people, a starting dose of 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 can help you maintain adequate levels of vitamin D. Your doctor can check your vitamin D levels with a simple blood test and may recommend a high dose supplement if your levels are below a healthy threshold.  


- Katie Schaeffer, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist


You can call us at 716-662-7008 today to schedule your first appointment with IHG, or use the patient portal to schedule a visit if you would like to discuss your Vitamin D levels with your primary care doctor or meet with one of IHG's nutritionists or dieticians.

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Inspired Health Group

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Suites 101 & 213
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