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Ever wonder how probiotic supplements can promote general health & target specific gastrointestinal issues?  IHG Registered Dietician Nutritionist, Katie Schaeffer, offers insight on probiotics, highlighting Metagenic’s UltraFlora Spectrum carried by Inspired Health Group.

Probiotics Highlight: UltraFloral Spectrum

You’ve probably been hearing about the benefits of probiotic supplements, but with so many products on the market, it can be difficult to choose the best or most effective probiotic supplement for you. At Inspired Health Group, we carry basic probiotic supplements for general health, and some supplements that are developed to target specific issues.

For people who struggle with acid reflux, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and/or belching, Metagenic’s UltraFlora Spectrum is a great choice. Unlike most probiotic supplements, UltraFlora Spectrum is a once-a-day capsule that is helpful for both upper and lower GI complaints. UltraFlora Spectrum contains a specific kind of yeast called Saccharomyces boulardii (pronounced SAK-roe-MYE-sees boo-LAR-dee-eye). Saccharomyces boulardii is used to help treat diarrhea and prevent peptic ulcers in vulnerable people.

People who struggle with constipation may not see improvements with UltraFlora Spectrum, and people who have been diagnosed or suspected to have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) should limit or avoid probiotic supplements unless they have discussed taking them with their healthcare provider.

Think UltraFlora Spectrum might be a good fit for you? You can pick it up at Inspired Health Group or order it online and have it shipped to your home. Store UltraFlora Spectrum in a cool dark place or store in the refrigerator, and use before the expiration date for best results

- Katie Schaeffer, MS, RDN, CDN, CDCES



Click here to order UltraFlora

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