POLICY UPDATE: Please take a moment to read our Updated Office Policy, which can be viewed in our News Blog. We are committed to providing you with high-quality care, and would be happy to discuss our policy with you at any time.

People aged 60+ can access hot, noonday meals at sites across Erie County.  A $3 contribution is suggested but not required.

Stay Fit Dining program | Free and Low Cost Meals for Seniors

Stay Fit Dining program:

The Stay Fit Dining program is offered in our community through Erie County Senior Services. The program serves nutritious, delicious meals at noon Monday-Friday at senior centers across Erie County.

How to participate:

Participants must be 60 years of age or older to participate. A $3.00 contribution is suggested, but not required. Contributions are confidential. Advance reservations are required. To register, call the site nearest you.  Find a Stay Fit Dining program site near you.

View a sample menu:

According to Erie County Senior Services, Stay Fit Dining meals provide a minimum 1/3 of the vitamins, minerals, protein, and other key nutrients as defined by the Department of Agriculture's Recommended Daily Requirements (RDA) for people over age 60.  You can view a sample menu here!

Learn more:

You can find out more about this food program here through Erie County Senior Services.

If you have concerns about not having enough food, call 716-858-8526.

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Inspired Health Group

3671 Southwestern Blvd.
Suites 101 & 213
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1752

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