Rest assured, your IHG care team is there for you around the clock! Even if our office is closed, if you urgently need to speak to a provider - we're there for you!
It's after hours and you urgently need to speak to a provider... what do you do?!
If patients ever have an urgent need to speak to a provider anytime our office is closed, they can call our office to leave a message with our 24/7 answering service. Our on-call provider will call back and speak with you about your concerns.
If you feel you need immediate or urgent medical care, please consider a visit to any Western New York Immediate Care location, or another urgent care facility while our office is closed. For life-threatening emergencies, please go to your nearest hospital or call 911.
Our team is ready to help you. Schedule an appointment online today.
3671 Southwestern Blvd.
Suites 101 & 213
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1752
(716) 662-7008 Office
(716) 662-5226 Fax
View Contact Info
Open Today 7:00am - 5:00pm
Calls Accepted 8:30am - 4:00pm
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