Taking care of your heart can be as easy as ABC, if you follow these preventative heart healthy practices from Physician Assistant, Valerie McDonald!
ABC's of Heart Disease
A: Aspirin when appropriate. Assess your risk of heart disease using the online risk calculator, My Life Check. This online health assessment tool created by the American Heart Association encourages forming habits that will promote heart health. Based on answers to the questionnaire, participants will receive personalized recommendations, have the ability to log goals, and track their progress. It requires you to create a username and password, but is a free service. Find the tool online and in your smartphone's app store!
B: Check and manage your Blood pressure
C: Manage your Cholesterol through healthy eating and regular physical activity, quit Cigarette smoking as smokers are up to 6x more likely to suffer heart attacks
D: Manage your Diabetes
E: Exercise and Eat healthy, meet with an IHG Nutritionist to help assist you in your journey.
Our team is ready to help you. Schedule an appointment online today.
3671 Southwestern Blvd.
Suites 101 & 213
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1752
(716) 662-7008 Office
(716) 662-5226 Fax
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