March 18th is Global Recycling Day!  How do you reduce, reuse, and recycle to reduce your carbon footprint?

Get inspired to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle on Global Recycling Day!

Did you know every hour, we throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles in the United States (22 billion plastic bottles per year)?

Care team member, Michelle, reminds us one simple way of reducing our carbon footprint.  By using a reusable water bottle, Michelle is reducing her consumption of plastic bottles and helping the planet!  According to National Geographic, a whopping 91% of plastic is not recycled.  So even if you are using plastics and placing them in a recycling bin, they are most likely not being recycled.  Get inspired to become a better recycler and more mindful consumer with these facts about plastic!



According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), more than 35 million tons of plastics were generated in the United States in 2018 and only 8.7 percent was recycled. Some types of plastics are not accepted in community recycling programs. Check with your local recycling program to find out which types of plastic they accept. When possible, purchase products made from recycled plastic materials. 


Below are frequent questions on plastic products. While general answers are provided, your local program may have different rules. Make sure to check with your local recycling provider to learn if they accept these items.


Can I recycle plastic bags, wraps and films?

These items are recyclable, but they cannot go in your household bin. Retail and grocery stores often accept these materials for recycling. If necessary, be sure to cut off the sealable zippers from sandwich bags before recycling them. Visit the Plastic Film Recycling  or Earth911 to find a location near you that recycles plastic bags and plastic wrap/film. 


Can plastic bottles and caps be recycled?

  • Yes, typically the caps and labels can be left on the bottles as well.

Can polystyrene foam (styrofoam) be recycled?

  • Very few localities accept styrofoam in curbside recycling. Check Earth911 to learn where you can drop off your styrofoam for it to be recycled.

Can plastic containers, cups and utensils be recycled?

  • It depends on what types of plastic the containers and cups are made of and whether your local program accepts them. Items with food debris cannot be recycled. Plastic utensils also cannot be recycled. 

Can I recycle compostable or bio-based plastics?

  • Compostable Plastic: No. Compostable plastics are not intended for recycling and can contaminate and disrupt the recycling stream if mixed with non-compostable plastics. If your community does not have a composting recycling pick-up program that accepts compostable plastic, contact your garbage/recycling company or local government to find out if there are any drop-off locations for your compostable plastic items.
  • Biobased Plastics: To determine what waste disposal options are available for a biobased plastic item, it is necessary to read the product’s label as to its compostability and recyclability. 
  • Learn more by reading the Frequently Asked Questions about Plastic Recycling and Composting. 


What do the symbols mean on the bottom of plastic bottles and containers?

  • These symbols were created to identify the type of plastic used to make the container. This can help you determine whether the item is recyclable by your local program. The resin number is contained in a triangle that looks very similar to the recycling symbol. However, this symbol does not necessarily mean it can be collected for recycling in your community.


Learn more about common recyclables from the EPA

Learn more about Buffalo's recylcing system from


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