With lung cancer being the leading cancer killer in the US, Physician Assistant, Lauren Zanda, explains the importance of Lung Cancer Screenings.
Lung cancer screening is a regular preventive health check, like a mammogram or a colonoscopy. A lung cancer screening checks your lungs while you are healthy and looks for any changes from year to year.1-3
If your doctor recommends lung cancer screening, it doesn't mean he or she thinks you have cancer. In fact, most people who get screened do not have cancer
Adults aged 50 to 80 years who have a 20 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years
During the screening, an LDCT scan creates a detailed 3-D picture of your lungs. While this scan will expose you to a low dose of radiation, LDCT uses 75% less radiation than a traditional CT scan and shows more detail than a standard chest X-ray. An LDCT scan is the only method recommended for lung cancer screening
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