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The Upstate New York Poison Center is open 24/7, 365 days a year, even holidays!  Last Halloween, they received more than 100 calls about potential poison hazards. 

Halloween Poison Prevention Tips

We are days away from Halloween! Are you prepared for a fun and safe holiday? The Upstate New York Poison Center encourages families to be aware of potential poisoning hazards.  Whether you’re preparing for a night of trick-or-treating or heading to a Halloween event, it’s important to be aware and take care.

"Last Halloween, our Helpline received a little more than 100 calls, with the most common concerns surrounding glow products, pain medications, and personal care products like lotion," shares Dr. Vince Calleo, Medical Director of the Upstate New York Poison Center." The majority of these calls were related to mishaps involving glow sticks. We urge parents to keep a close eye on their children to prevent them from biting into these items. However, if an incident does occur and you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 1-800-222-1222."

Here are some important safety tips from the Upstate NY Poison Center for a fun and safe Halloween:

Safety Tip: Avoid using old or expired makeup, especially products from last year. If your makeup has a strange odor, it’s better to toss it.

Risk: While most Halloween makeup is non-toxic, it can still cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Before applying face paint, test it on a small patch of skin, especially for children. Always avoid applying makeup near the eyes.

Safety Tip: Glow sticks are generally safe, however, it’s important to avoid biting or breaking them open.

Risk: If the liquid inside gets on the skin or in the mouth, it can cause irritation, stinging, or even blisters. If exposed, wash the affected area with water for at least 15 minutes. Fortunately, most glow stick-related exposures don’t result in serious harm.

Safety Tip: Keep alcoholic beverages, cannabis edibles, vape pens, and cigarettes out of reach of curious children. Be aware of the look-alike factor! Many items, like cannabis gummies, ready-made alcoholic drinks, and over-the-counter medications, can resemble candy and non-alcoholic drinks.

Risk: Children can become very sick if they drink alcohol or consume any amount of cannabis. Call our poison center with questions, or if unresponsive, call 911 immediately.

Safety Tip: Flashing jewelry or toys often use small disc batteries. Make sure the battery compartments are securely closed. If necessary, use strong tape to keep them shut, and only purchase jewelry with compartments that require tools to open. Never replace batteries in front of children, as they may mistake them for toys.

Risk: Call 911 immediately and go to the emergency room if a button battery is swallowed. These batteries can cause severe internal injuries if ingested.

Learn more about Halloween risks and tips from Upstate NY Poison Control Center

In the case of a poisoning or for information purposes, call the Upstate New York Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222. They are open 24/7, 365 days a year. Each year our center manages more than 50,000 calls from health care providers, 911 operators, hospitals, industry, schools, and the general public in our 54-county service area.


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