Make lasting lifestyle changes to sustain your health and weight loss goals with fellow participants in a personalized course led by Robbie Erickson!

Weight Loss & Nutrition Course Starting in June

Spring Course Update:

Spring sessions will now begin on

  • June 5th at 6pm - 7pm
  • June 6th at 6 pm - 7pm
  • June 8th at 6pm - 7pm


If you missed the opportunity to sign up for our spring session, don't hesitate - register today for the next course beginning the week of May 15th!

Reach your summer health & wellness goals with a fun interactive weight loss & nutrition course offered at Inspired Health Group (IHG).   We have partnered with Robbie Erickson to offer a personalized weight loss program made to fit your lifestyle and goals.  Join fellow participants in a 12-week-long weight-loss activity course with 24-hour support via Transition Lifestyles Solutions (TLS) Support and Educational Coach, Robbie Erickson.  TLS is not a diet but an opportunity to learn new lifestyle behaviors to achieve lasting results.   

Course Details: 

Participants will meet once a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays at 6:00 pm for an hour-long meeting beginning the week of June 5th at Inspired Health Group. Weekly meetings are a great time to connect with other participants, celebrate successes, overcome obstacles, ask your coach questions, and learn about subjects to support you in your lifestyle changes.  Course subjects include:   

  • Genetics
  • How to read and understand nutrition labels
  • How to improve your metabolism
  • Exercise (NEAT vs EAT)
  • Meal planning and dining out
  • Macronutrient comprehension
  • Creating healthy habits via cognitive behavior Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Recognizing stress
  • and so much more!

Continued learning is supported outside of weekly meetings with thought-provoking activities.  Outside activities are designed to keep stimulating your exploration of the subjects covered in class and are not graded or judged.  Examples of activities include watching a documentary or taking pictures of your last grocery shop to share with the class.  

Proven Results with Constant Support: 

Your progress throughout the 12 weeks will be measured and reviewed. Weight loss and health changes are measured and tracked through a variety of methodologies such as IHG’s InBody biometrics.  Your healthcare provider may suggest lab work to establish a baseline and track your progress throughout the course for various medical reasons.  It is encouraged if you are not a patient of IHG, that you let your Primary Care Physician know that you are about to embark on a weight loss journey.  Inspired Health Group patients have additional course benefits, which will be discussed in class. 

Throughout the 12 weeks, your TLS Support and Educational Coach, Robbie Erickson, will be available to you 24/7 to provide support in your health and wellness journey! Once you have expressed your interest in participating in this program, Robbie will give you a call approximately 1 week before the classes begin.  You will also meet a variety of healthcare professionals at Inspired Health Group throughout our time together that will utilize their expertise to enhance your experience and course education.   

All are welcome: 

The course is designed to support all individuals with a spectrum of mobilities and physical abilities.  Participants are encouraged to exercise but it is not required.  Your coach can offer personalized support to establish safe movement for your set of circumstances e.g., broken bone, post-surgery, lack of mobility, impairments and physical conditions. 

Class Time, Dates, and Location: 

  • A Monday, Wednesday and Thursday course will be offered beginning the week of June 5th
  • 6:00 pm- 7:00 pm 
  • Our first class together will run longer usually lasting 90 minutes.   
  • Every subsequent class is usually one hour or less. 
  • Inspired Health Group, 3671 Southwestern Boulevard Suites 101 & 213, Orchard Park, NY 14127 
  • If you are unable to physically attend one of the classes, please advise Robbie Erickson at registration so accommodations for you via Zoom can be made. 

Registration & Tuition: 

Register today with Robbie Erickson by calling 716-725-2685 or emailing

  • 12 weeks for $360 if paid in full at registration 
  • 12 weeks for $400 if paid in a weekly or monthly payment plan 
  • 1 class for $10 if you have already participated in TLS with IHG in the past 

Class size is limited to 35 people. If there is tremendous interest there will be classes held multiple days 

Achieve your weight loss and nutrition goals in 2023 with support from TLS Support and Educational Coach, Robbie Erickson and fellow course participants!  Limited space is available for the next session beginning the week of June 5th at IHG.  Have questions?  Call or email Robbie Erickson at 716-725-2685 or emailing!  


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Inspired Health Group

3671 Southwestern Blvd.
Suites 101 & 213
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1752

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