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It's holiday season and many of us might find ourselves departing from our typical day to day routines.  Physician Assistant, Lauren Zanda, shares 6 tips to prevent holiday weight gain.

Preventing Holiday Weight Gain


  1. Portion Size! Choose small portions of high calories dishes that you want to splurge on, offset those with
    salads, and lower calorie options.
  2. Use smaller plates if available when at a buffet-style party. Larger plates = more food!
  3. Eat slowly! It takes about 20 min for your brain to register that your stomach is full;
  4. Plan Ahead. If you are bringing a dish to share make healthy substitutions or choose a recipe that adds fruits and vegetables
  5. Don't arrive to a holiday party on an empty stomach!
  6. Watch your beverages. Sugar sweetened beverages and alcohol can add a significant amount of calories and added sugar to your meal.


- Lauren Zanda, PA




Related reading:

How A Dietitian Handles Holiday Meals

How to Stay Active in Colder Months

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