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The fact is, as we move through our days, God our Creator & great composer, is ever present with us in all living things & situations but sometimes we are so distracted by the scattered pieces of our lives that we just don’t recognize the varied ways that God may be speaking to us.

The Symphony of the Holy: Part 1

In the month of May, the local public broadcasting station featured a 3-hour program that focused on the topic of symphonies. They began the program by first defining what the word symphony means. Generally, when people hear the word symphony, they think of a musical composition consisting of three to four movements, designed by a gifted composer, performed by a large diverse group of orchestral instrumentalists under the leadership of a dynamic conductor. The first movement of a musical symphony typically establishes the atmosphere, character, rhythms, & overall theme of the symphony. It is generally the longest movement & typically sets the stage for the following two formative movements which unfold & develop the main theme of the symphony. As the music transitions from the first movement into the second & third movements, it creates a sense of anticipation & generally a feeling that the best is yet to come. The fourth movement of the musical symphony generally ties the previous three movements together in an expressive celebration of the original theme.

Though there were many musical examples of various musical symphonies performed throughout the three-hour program, additionally the program expanded the definition of the word symphony by drawing a parallel or metaphor between the movements of musical symphonies & life itself. When you think of it, life is a symphony itself composed of various movements each one reflecting the theme of the symphony that God composes within us. All living things whether it be a plant, an insect, or a human being, all go through various stages or movements as we grow & develop into our fullness. For plants or insects, the movements unfold naturally in whatever way God created them to be; from seeds into beautiful flowers, fruits or vegetables, or even a tree, from caterpillars into butterflies floating in the breezes. For humans, the movements we go through in our lives are shaped by our view & the subsequent choices we make as we live through the various circumstances that we are faced with. The choices we make as we move through the circumstances we encounter at any particular time in our life, either support the theme of the symphony that God composes within us, or they do not.

I think we can all agree that as human beings, throughout our living, we all participate in the formation of many different symphonies based on many different themes & thus are given many opportunities to participate in movements that challenge us to make choices. The choices we make as we move through our lives form the symphony that is our life. God our Creator, in whose image we are created, is the great composer of all life. As such, the theme of the symphony that is our life, regardless of what circumstances we may encounter always should be based on the symphony of divine creation composed by our divine Creator God & that my friends, creates a challenge for us. The reality is, as we live through the formative movements that shape the attitude, character & rhythm of our symphony we may, & often do, encounter many very difficult, even life-threatening experiences that force us to make very difficult choices. As we all know, it is not always easy to know what God would have us do as we move through the situations life presents to us. The good news is, we do not face the various themes that create our symphony of life alone.

The fact is, as we move through our days, God our Creator & great composer, is ever present with us in all living things & situations but sometimes we are so distracted by the scattered pieces of our lives that we just don’t recognize the varied ways that God may be speaking to us. The good news is, that as our symphony unfolds, in the sometimes chaotic & dissonant movement of our days, if we take the time to pause & listen we will be able to hear more clearly the whispers of a deeper harmony & peace, for God is always with us & that whisper will give us strength that can only come from God to make the choice that will bring peace & healing & thus contribute to the fulfillment of God’s composed symphony within our souls.


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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