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Harmony & balance of the Spirit, Body & Mind, leads us to live from the place of wholeness & wellness that God intends for us.

Ultimate Wellness & Ultimate Wholeness: Part 1

Ultimate Wellness & Ultimate Wholeness

Inspired Health Group believes that ultimate wellness & ultimate wholeness occurs when the Body, Mind, & Spirit are in harmony with one another. Each of these component part affects the other. When one is unsettled the others are unsettled & unbalanced. When that occurs, harmony is not possible. The challenge is to focus on getting each part, Body, Mind & Spirit in balance so that harmony & ultimate wellness can be achieved.

Our Body is the physical aspect of our being. It is through our Bodies that we connect with the physical world. Our Mind is that element of our person that consists of a variety of mental states such as; perceptions, thoughts, emotions, & attitudes. Our Spirit is that indwelling component of our being that is the vital, life-animating force for the Body, & the Mind. Just as through His breath, God breathed His Holy Spirit over the face of the deep & created the universe, so too with that same Holy Spirit, God breathed His Divine gift into each of us giving us the indwelling Spirit to empower us to reflect God’s image through our living. The intersection of the three component parts of every human being, is the personalized expression of our indwelling Divine Spirit. It is through this intersection that the Divine Spirit is able to express & reflect God’s image outward, bringing the healing grace of harmony & balance to the Body & the Mind, that leads us to live from the place of wholeness & wellness that God intends for us.

Promoting Wellness for Ourselves & Others

The entry point of caring for our Spirit & thus promoting overall wellbeing & subsequent wholeness for ourselves & others, is to recognize that we are affected by the perpetual changes of; our Body, Mind & Spirit, our environment & our life situation. By its very nature life is fluid. Regardless of our age, race, gender, culture, & life situation; we are all children of God, created in
His image & thus are connected to one another. As such, the way we live our life has an effect on the way others live their lives. Empowered by the Divine Holy Spirit which is the vital life-giving & animating force for the body & mind, we have the ability to live in ways that promote wholeness & wellness for ourselves & for others.


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Spiritual Consultant with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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Suites 101 & 213
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