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Ever wonder if digestive enzyme supplements could improve your health & wellbeing?  While digestive enzymes are produced naturally by the body, some people benefit from adding additional enzymes in the form of supplements.

Digestive Enzymes Supplements at Inspired Health Group

What are Digestive enzymes?

Digestive enzymes are chemicals produced by the body that break down food to be processed and used for energy, building, and healing. The body produces enzymes throughout the digestive tract, including in the mouth, the stomach, and the pancreas. Without digestive enzymes, food would pass through us and we would not be able to extract the nutrients we need from it. While digestive enzymes are produced naturally by the body, some people benefit from adding additional enzymes in the form of supplements.  

Who may benefit from digestive enzyme supplements?

Supplemental digestive enzymes are helpful for breaking down carbs, protein, and fat. While there is limited research into the effectiveness of digestive enzyme supplements, small studies and anecdotal evidence points to their usefulness in helping to relieve symptoms of general digestive problems like gas and bloating, and they have shown promise in helping people reduce IBS symptoms. While more research is needed to confirm their role in treating these conditions, the risk of taking digestive enzyme supplements is generally low. For that reason, many people choose to take digestive enzymes as a simple and low risk way to help relieve GI symptoms.  

What types of digestive enzyme supplements does IHG offer?

There are many digestive enzymes on the market to choose from. At Inspired Health Group, we carry three enzyme based digestive supplements that each work in slightly different ways.

  1. For people with general GI discomfort like gas, bloating, occasional diarrhea, or mild IBS symptoms, Metagenics SpectraZyme Complete is a good quality basic digestive enzyme. SpectraZyme Complete will help breakdown a variety of carbohydrates that can lead to gas and bloating, and some fats and proteins that may cause discomfort.
  2. For individuals who are uncomfortable swallowing capsules, nutraMetrix Isotonix Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics is a nice choice. It also contains enzymes to help breakdown carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and is in liquid form for easy swallowing.
  3. Inspired Health Group also carries Metagenics SpectraZyme Gluten Digest for individuals with gluten intolerance or Celiac disease who are concerned about cross contamination in foods. Digestive enzymes only work when they come in contact with the food you eat, and are best taken at meal time.

As always, talk to your provider or dietitian with questions about what digestive enzymes may be most helpful for you. Message your care team in your patient portal or talk to your provider at your next appointment about how digestive enzyme supplements may benefit you. 

Patients can order these digestive enzymes supplements in our office or online from:



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