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As the FDA has put it, “As the number of people diagnosed with diabetes continues to grow, illegally marketed products promising to prevent, treat, and even cure diabetes are flooding the marketplace.”  Learn more about the government's warning about certain dietary supplements for diabetes.

FDA Warns About Certain Dietary Supplements for Diabetes

If you’ve ever heard miracle stories about dietary supplements that can help you with your diabetes, be careful.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have sent warning letters to ten companies charged with illegally selling dietary supplements that claim to cure, treat, or prevent diabetes.


"More than 34 million Americans— just over 1 in 10 people— are living with diabetes. Dietary supplements that make fraudulent claims to treat diabetes are unapproved new drugs that could potentially harm consumers who use these products instead of seeking safe and effective FDA-approved treatments,” said Cara Welch, Ph.D., Acting Director of the Office of Dietary Supplement Programs in the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. “The FDA is committed to protecting U.S. consumers from products and companies that make unlawful claims to treat or prevent diabetes, and we’ll continue to hold companies accountable by alerting the public about products that place consumers at risk.”


Learn More Here



If you have prediabetes, now is the time to make healthy lifestyle changes to prevent or delay Type 2 diabetes.  Luckily you don't have to do it alone!  Inspired Health Group's Diabetes Prevention Program offers the support of fellow participants with similar goals as you, alongside encouragement & education from Dietitian Nutritionists, Trained Coaches, and Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialists to help you reach your goals!

Learn More Here

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