POLICY UPDATE: Please take a moment to read our Updated Office Policy, which can be viewed in our News Blog. We are committed to providing you with high-quality care, and would be happy to discuss our policy with you at any time.

An annual visit is an important part of your healthcare plan.  Learn about the annual types of appointments offered at Inspired Health Group and what they involve.

Types of Annual Visits with your Primary Care Provider

An Annual Physical 

An Annual Physical is an assessment of your body's health.  The purpose of this annual appointment is to identify any possible health problems.  A Doctor, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant uses their senses and medical expertise to gauge your body's performance. 

The provider will perform routine evaluations like listening to your heart and lungs to help inform their findings during your physical.  Your height, weight, and blood pressure along with respirations will be measured and recorded in a secure electronic record for comparison of previous results. Patients can access these results in their patient portal at any time.  Your physical is a great opportunity for you and your provider to review any recent blood work, and order necessary blood work. 

Additionally, an EKG, spirometry, or Diabetic Retinal exam glucose test may be performed in the office during your physical.  If the provider feels it would beneficial, additional testing outside the office such as a chest x ray, CT scan or other imagining may be ordered to help provide a greater understanding of your physical health.

A Wellness Visit

A Wellness Visit is an assessment of your overall health and wellbeing. The primary purpose is prevention, and this is done by either developing or updating your personal history and family history, recording medications and supplements, knowing what assistance you may need for your daily living, completing a risk factor assessment according to your abilities, resources, and health.

Your provider will develop a check list of screening tools that would benefit in keeping you healthy such as mammograms, colorectal screening, spirometry.  Your screening plan will be unique to you based on your history and age.  Based on your current needs, your provider can also help connect you to mind, body and spirit resources within and outside of our practice that may be of present benefit to your health & wellbeing.

A Well Child Exam

A Well Child Exam is composed of four different areas: 

  1. Health history 
  2. Physical exam including, listening to heart and lungs, height, weight, and head circumference measurements, temperature, and possibly blood pressure
  3. Risk assessment check for sleeping issues, safety issues, any illness, and growth issues 
  4. Provide education in the protection from infectious disease and teaching about immunizations

We encourage parents and caretakers to be actively involved in their child's health.  Ask questions and keep an open line of dialogue with a child's health care provider.  We are here to help!


Meet our Practitioners 

Find a doctor or healthcare provider! We are now accepting new patients at our Orchard Park family practice serving patients across Buffalo and Western New York. At Inspired Health Group we strive to provide high-level quality care, which begins with our team.

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We are now accepting new patients!  Schedule your next appointment conveniently online 24/7 with the provider of your choice.

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Our team is ready to help you. Schedule an appointment online today.

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Inspired Health Group

3671 Southwestern Blvd.
Suites 101 & 213
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1752

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(716) 662-7008 Office
(716) 662-5226 Fax
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Open Today 7:00am - 5:00pm
Calls Accepted 8:30am - 4:00pm
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