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Do you feel a boost after tending to your garden or enjoying green space?  Studies show there are health benefits to spending time in nature!

Health Benefits of Gardening

Studies suggest that gardening can have beneficial effects on our health and wellbeing.


Health Benefits of Gardening:


Reduces anxiety, fear, and anger: 

Studies have shown the benefits of nature on our emotional wellbeing and mental health.  Simply observing nature has been shown to boost mood and mental health, reducing blood pressure, pulse rate and muscle tension.

Lowers blood pressure:

Exposure to sunlight can lower blood pressure.  UV light from the sun releases nitric oxide in the skin, which dilates arteries and lowers blood pressure.  Excess UV exposure can damage our skin and increase our risk for skin cancer, so sun safety remains important.

Increase Vitamin D:

Sun exposure can boost our levels of Vitamin D.  When exposed to the sun, your skin can manufacture its own vitamin D.  Again, too much sunlight can pose health risks.  Planning your gardening around when the sun is less intense, wearing sunscreen and protective clothing and seeking shade after a period of exposure are good ways to seek moderation in your sun exposure.

Restores dexterity and strength:

Think of all the ways you move your body when you garden!  This increased physical activity centered on working with your hands is great for dexterity and building muscle strength.  

Burns calories:

Anyone who has moved a wheelbarrow full of mulch can attest to the aerobic exercise of this activity.  Digging, raking and mowing are particularly calorie intense and can easily burn same number of calories as a gym workout.  Physical activity is important for our physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.  Finding movement activities you enjoy, like gardening, are a great way to sustain regular physical activity.

Counteracts social isolation: 

Gardening can be a great way to meet new people and share a hobby.  Whether participating in a communal garden project or helping a friend with their garden, spending time together outside can combat feelings of isolation.



Learn more about the Health Benefits of Gardening and the many studies linking green spaces to improved health and wellbeing from the National Library of Medicine 

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